Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Class of 2022 -- Blog #6 SPRING FEVER

Spring is almost here, and many of us are experiencing the phenomenon known as "Spring Fever."  This term was first used in 1859, and Miriam Webster defines it as "a lazy or restless feeling often associated with the onset of spring."  Can you relate?

Are you tired of the school routine?  Are you over the cold, dreary days of winter?  Do you simply want to be out and about in warm sunshine with nothing really to do?  Do you want to have pent up energy, and you are not sure how to let it out?

Well, you've probably got spring fever!  It happens!  The flowers are beginning to bloom; the trees are budding; new life is all around us.  We are all ready for a change -- warm weather, different places, new things!

Spring break is often a great remedy for spring fever.  It is now only a few days away, and this week away from school often gives us the little respite that we need to finish out the school year strong!  So, whether we are going to the beach, the mountain, MLB spring train, or staying home to Netflix binge, we are all READY for spring break!

So, what are your plans for spring break?  Can you relate to having spring fever?  How does it make you feel?  Answer in three complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Blog responses should be posted by midnight on Friday, 3/16 -- just in time for your SPRING BREAK!

Write on!


  1. For spring break I’m not doing anything. I’m going to sleep in everyday. The only thing I have to do is a cheer competition.

  2. For spring break I have some plans. The first plan is to go to the beech for a couple of days. Then I have to get back to Tennessee for soccer.

  3. For spring break, I am going to Florida on Tuesday to see my grandparents. But, only me, my mom, and my brother are going because my dad will fly there later on. The only thing is... we have no idea what we are going to do there.

  4. For Spring Break I am leaving early from school on Friday. The softball team is headed to Pigeon Forge to play in a tournament that will last till Tuesday, then we have to come home. While we are in Pigeon Forge we are going to go to Dollywood which will be my first time and I am very excited.

  5. For spring break, I’m celebrating my birthday and I’m very excited. I also plan to sleep in for a few days. I have rehearsal over the break, but it will only last for two hours

  6. For spring break I’m going on a Disney Cruise!!! This is the vacation I have been looking forward all year !! I definitely have spring fever I can’t wait for the warm weather!

  7. Birthdays, Dollywood, cruises and the beach! Sounds fun! Only one more day of school! Write on!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. For spring break I am going to Florida for a baseball tournament. Hoping to be able to go to the beach for a little bit. Spending the rest of the break with sleep.

  10. For spring break I am going to hang out with my friends and help my cousin with her wedding. I am so excited for spring break. It is going to be very fun!

  11. For spring break I am going to Pigeon Forge friday this week through tuesday next week. After that, I am going to spend time with my family. Hopefully I will be able to sleep in too.

  12. For spring break I have to stay home. I have a show next weekend, so I can't leave town. I was going to Florida, but that got canceled. I love winter weather, but I do love the warm spring weather as well, so I am looking forward to it!

  13. For Spring Break I am going to Watercolor in Florida. I leave today after school and staying with my grandparents in a two story beach house. I can’t wait to have so much fun!!

  14. Only a few more hours . . . write on!

  15. For spring break I am going to Destin Florida. I’m taking Gracie and Emma with me. I am so excited!

  16. I will be going to Gatlinburg with friends from Virginia. I guess I have spring fever, because I like a week of sleeping in, no homework, and vacations. It makes me feel excited knowing I have a whole week off school.

  17. I hope everyone had a great spring break. This blog is now closed.
