Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Class of 2023 -- Blog #1 -- WELCOME TO 8th GRADE!!

Welcome to the 8th grade!  This will be an exciting year as you prepare for high school!  We have a lot of work to do, but also a lot of fun along the way!

Blogging is a relatively new idea! We will use this blog as a means of communication between us as students, classmates and teacher!  This will give us a better chance to get to know one another too!  You will need to check the blog often because there  extra credit opportunities on here are very time sensitive!  
When responding to the blog, please let me know who you are.  You  must be logged on with your Goodpasture email credentials.  You will need to make a "limited blogger profile with you first name and first initial of last name.  You may also put your class period.    For example, if your name is Charlie Brown, and you have my class 3rd period, you would simply respond something like this:

Charlie B. (3) Mrs. Sweet -- I totally agree with your point of view!  I really enjoyed learning this information!  It was awesome!  


Charlie B. (3) Mrs. Sweet, I really don't agree with your opinion of the book.  I feel like the author is really trying to . . . 

Get it?  Each blog entry comment will give you  extra credit points that will be calculated into your total points for the 9 week grading period.  You may NOT comment more than once per extra credit opportunity for actual extra credit!  You are welcome to comment as much as you'd like though!   As well, comments should be positive, helpful and appropriate.

Okay -- here is your first extra credit assignment:

What is blogging?
Do you write or read blogs on a regular basis?  If so, which one(s)?
Why or why not?

For THREE extra credit points, please respond to the above questions in at least THREE complete sentences!  All responses should be posted by August 20th at midnight! (Hint:  This blog will close at that time, and you will no longer get credit for it!)  Write on!


  1. Blogging is a way to get your thoughts out and to tell people about your day.
    No, I don’t read or write blogs on a regular basis.
    I don’t because I don’t like to read about other people. I would rather watch vlogs!

  2. 1) It’s when a person who share there daily life.
    2) No
    3)I just never have time to share my daily life.

  3. Blogging is talking about talking about what you think. I do not write or read on a regular basis. I don’t blog on a regular basis because it is new to me

  4. I think blogging is where you tell people what you are doing on a daily basis. I do not blog because I don’t have any time for it. I don’t usually look at blogs on a daily basis cause I don’t know how to find them.

  5. Blogging is an idea used for communication for a group of people. I have never read or wrote a blog before. I have never done it because I have never heard of it before.

  6. A blog is a way to communcaite between the students and teachers. No i dont know what a blog is at all. This is because we did not learn this last year about blogs.

  7. I have never seen a blog.
    I think it is a good idea.
    I also disagree that most people will not use it.

  8. Blogging is a way to communicate and help others.
    I have never read a blog.
    I don’t have an idea.

  9. 1) Blogging is where you express your feelings about a topic
    2) no
    3) i just didn’t wanna read a blog

  10. Blogging is a way to communicate. No I do not write or read blogs. I don’t read or right them because I’ve just never really thought about it.

  11. Blogging is a way to communicate.
    No,I do not read blogs.
    Because I’ve never had experience with blogs.

  12. 1. Blogging is when there are articles or posts and trends.
    2.Sometimes I do but, rarely.
    3.I just don’t find the points nowadays.

  13. Express your feelings
    No never
    Don’t have time

  14. Blogging is writing something interesting on you blog. I usually read them, but i occasionally write them. Some of them are cool to read.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I do not know what a blog is. No I do not. I don’t know why.

  17. It is a way to get an opinion out!
    No I don’t .
    I never really knew about blogging.

  18. Blogging is a way to communicate or to give an opinion to other people. No I don’t. I never really knew what a blog is and I never heard of it.

  19. Blogging is a way to communicate your opinion online.
    I don’t follow any blogs.
    I never really knew about blogging.

  20. Blogging is a way to communicate or to give an opinion to other people. No I don’t. I never really knew what a blog is and I never heard of it.

  21. Blogging is when people share their thoughts and daily lives to other people.
    I do not write or read blogs on a regular basis.
    I don’t really like to read about other people, and I would prefer to watch vlogs

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Blogging is a way to communicate and express your opinion.
    No I don’t write or read blogs.
    I have not blogged because I’ve never really seen or heard about blogging.

  24. Blogging is a way to put out your opinion on the internet. No I do not. I don’t have much time.

  25. Blogging a way to get your opinion out there for people to see.
    I do not read blogs or blog.
    I never really knew what a blog was.

  26. Blogging is a way to communicate with other people or tell about your daily life.
    No I don’t look at blogs.
    I just don’t think they are that interesting to read.

  27. It is a way for communicating between people.
    No i do not read blogs.
    I never really liked reading blogs.

  28. Mia K (4) Blogging is way of communicating and sharing things online.
    No I do not.
    I do not because I never really go onto blogs and read them.

  29. 1. Blogging is a way to let people know about your life
    2. No I do not read or a blog
    3. I never knew what a blog was or how to do it.

  30. Jordan Suhr (4) A blog is a way to get an opinion out. I don’t read blogs on a regular basis. I don’t because I didn’t know about them.

  31. Blogging is a way that some people use to communicate different information about a topic. No I’d do not read or write and blogs. I don’t read any blogs because I don’t know any interesting blogs to read.

  32. Brooklyn Boyd
    1. Blogging is a way to communicate to people.
    2. I’ve never written a blog before.
    3. I didn’t know what a blog was before this class.

  33. Blogging is a way to share your life and opinions with everyone. I do not write or read blogs on a regular basis. I have never really been interested in blogs before.

  34. Blogging is another way to talk to people. I have not blogged before. I don’t have time for blogging.

  35. Blogging is a way to let people know what you think about something. I do not read blogs. I have never really thought about paying attention to them.

  36. Blogging is a way people will show others their recipes, ideas, travels, or their daily lives.
    I watch What’s Inside Family’s channel where they show fun stuff that they do.
    I watch their channel because it’s fun and entertaining. Also, some blogs/vlogs can help you learn things.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Blogging is a way to share your opinions with the world online. I do not read blogs. I never have time.

  39. Blogging is a good way to get your ideas, opinions, and feelings out to the world.
    I don’t read blogs nor do I have one
    I don’t care for them nor do I have anything to contribute to society.

  40. Blogging is a way to express your ideas on life. I have never written or read a blog. I don’t write blogs because I have never thought about it.

  41. Blogging is way to share opinions, ideas, and what you do on a daily basis.
    No, I don’t blog.
    I really don’t have enough time for it

  42. Blogging is a way express your ideas on a topic.No I don’t.I never was intrested.

  43. blogging is a very unique way of telling people who want to know about your day and your life how it went.
    i have never personally looked at a blog but i have heard of em before.
    i have never written or read a blog because it doesn’t seem fun.

  44. A blog is a type of communication or a way to share your thoughts on the internet. I, personally, do not follow or write any blogs. I think that if I need to share my thoughts I could just use talking to others.

  45. Blogging is way to communicate or express ideas on the internet. I don’t usually read blogs nor have I thought to make one.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Blogging is a way to share your life experiences and opinions. I don’t really read blogs,because I don’t actually know any. I have never considered writing a blog either,because I would often forget to write and I don’t really like broadcasting my life and opinions.

  48. Blogging is a good way to show and talk about your life. Blogging is a good thing to do in spare time, which I lack. I don’t really have anything I would like people to read about on a blog. I don’t read blogs and I don’t thing I ever will besides this school blog.

  49. Blogging is a way to tell others about your opinions on certain subjects. I don’t really ever read blogs. I never really have time to read them and I don’t really care for them either.

  50. Blogging is a way to tell your ideas and opinions about life. I was never was interested in blogs, and I have never had one.

  51. Blogging is a way to share ideas about specific things on the internet. I do not reads blogs or I’ve never written a blog. I never have thought about paying attention to the and I don’t have a lot of time.

  52. Blogging is a way to share your ideas. I have never wrote or published a blog.i don’t have blogs because I don’t really have time.

  53. Blogging is a way to communicate. You can talk about things as simple as your day. Or, you can ask others what is going on in their life.

  54. I think blogging is a way to let other people know what you’re doing. I’ve never thought about blogging and I don’t read any blogs. Just simply because I don’t want to

  55. (6th period)Blogging is the way to share your ideas to the Internet! I never exactly have time to read blogs or make blogs because I’m usually always doing something else. :)

  56. Blogging is like talking about your day or talking about opinions or ideas. I haven’t read or written a blog but i don’t have any interest in it. I wouldn’t have time to write a blog.

  57. Blogging is like talking about your day or talking about opinions or ideas. I haven’t read or written a blog but i don’t have any interest in it. I wouldn’t have time to write a blog.

  58. Blogging is like talking about your day or talking about opinions or ideas. I haven’t read or written a blog but i don’t have any interest in it. I wouldn’t have time to write a blog.

  59. I have never read a blog because I don’t have time . And I don’t have enything to read. I just don’t want to

  60. Blogs are a way to tell people how you feel. No I do not read blogs. I don’t because I haven’t seen any that interest me

  61. Blogging is a way to share what it’s like to be you. I do not read blogs on a daily basis. I don’t read blogs because I usually do not have time.

  62. Blogging is where someone talks about something or ideas. I have never read blogs or watched them. I’ve never really ever seen blogs and I don’t really have time to read them

  63. I’ve never really read a blog before but I think it would be a fun idea to try sometime. I don’t really know what I’d write about in my blog but overall it seems cool. I just don’t think I have enough time to make a thorough blog.

  64. Blogging is a way of communication to the outside world about your daily life.
    No. I do not blog but I do read some blogs that are mainly about fashion.
    I find doing blogs kind of boring but I love reading them because you can learn so much about a person from reading them. P

  65. I never really read a blog or thought about one. I think that they are just a little bit waste of time a lil bit. I’m not saying they are bad.

  66. I think a blog is a website people post their opinions and ideas on.I have never read or wrote a blog.I’ve never read a blog because I haven’t had time.

  67. Blogging is publishing things about your life. I don’t blog. I don’t blog because I have a busy life

  68. Blogging is a way to share things about yourself or others online. I have never wrote or read a blog before. I have never been intristed in a blog before.

  69. Blogging is a way to share things about yourself or others online. I have never wrote or read a blog before. I have never been intristed in a blog before.

  70. Blogging is a way to share things about yourself or others online. I have never wrote or read a blog before. I have never been intristed in a blog before.

  71. Blogging is a way to express your feelings online. I have never read a blog, nor do I plan to. I don’t intend to be interested in a blog.

  72. i have heard of blogs. i just dont want to personally start one. i think its cool how people blog about things but i’m personally not interested.

  73. Blogging is a way for you to express your thoughts. I have never read nor published a blog, because blogs don’t really interest me
