Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Class of 2023 -- Blog #2 HAPPY LABOR DAY

It's hard to believe that we have now been in school for over three weeks!  Memories of summer are becoming more distant, as we become more and more engulfed in homework and the school routine.  But wait . . . there's one more big summer event coming up!

That's right!  In just a few days, we will be celebrating the Labor Day weekend.  How much do you know about the holiday?

Here's a little info:

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September, and it pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades and athletic events.

Labor Day celebrates the American worker, regardless of the type of work he or she does.  As students, your job right now is just that -- being a student.  As an adult, I think it is pretty neat that our country celebrates the hard work of its citizens in such a holiday.  To many, just being off from work and being able to spend time with family or friends is a celebration itself.

So, as we celebrate the ending of our first month of school, basically, how do you plan to spend your Labor Day?  A quick trip to the mountains or the beach?  Sleeping in or catching up on NetFlix?  Shopping til you drop or catching a movie?  Hamburgers and hotdogs at a cookout?

Please respond in at least THREE complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Responses must be posted by midnight on Friday, September 7th.

Happy blogging!  Happy Labor Day!  Write on!


  1. Jordan Suhr I plan I on spending my Labor Day catching up on some sleep. I also plan on going to my grandparents house for a cookout. We are going to have hamburgers and hotdogs!

  2. Robert Duran I plan to spend most of my Labor Day weekend playing Fortnite. My aunt wants to come over an watch a movie in our home theater. Before I do anything else though I’m gonna sleep until twelve in the morning.

  3. Mia K I plan to spend my Labor Day weekend relaxing. I’m going to stay home, lay around, and watch some movies. I also plan to spend some time with my grandparents on Saturday.

  4. I plan to spend my Labor Day weekend watching YouTube. I will also try to clean my room because it got messy when school started. Lastly I want to Finnish a show I have been watching on Netflix called “Anne with an E”

  5. Brooklyn B. I want to watch the Greatest Showman on Saturday. On Sunday, I’d like to go to Climb Nashville. On Monday, I’m going to teach my brother how to tie his shoes.

  6. I’ll spend Labor Day probably sleeping or catching up on homework. I lost tons of sleep over the week from school and going out. Only reason I need to catch to up on homework is because I’m a massive procrastinator.

  7. I plan on spending my Labor Day weekend at the Vandy, playing airsoft,and playing fortnite. On Saturday I’m going to the Vandy game with my friends. On Sunday I’m going to church then playing airsoft with Lofton. On Monday I’m going to relax and play fortnite. That is what I’m doing on Labor Day weekend.

  8. Riley S. I plan on spending my Labor Day relaxing and catching up on sleep. I plan on swimming and spending time with my family on Monday. I also plan on watching some Netflix because I have nothing else to do on this long weekend.

  9. Kayla B. I plan on spending my Labor Day catching up on sleep. My brother is coming in from college on Friday, so I plan on spending time with him. I also plan on going to my grandparents pool on Monday to swim.

  10. I plan on spending my Labor Day going to the beach. I plan on getting a tan and going fishing. I also plan on going to the pool and playing with a friend on mine.

  11. I plan on spending my Labor Day relaxing. I plan on going to the waxe pool. I ate a lot Sunday night.

  12. I spent my day hanging out with my family. My family came from Atlanta and Alabama. We swam, cookout, and watched movies

    1. If you aren't signed in with you name, you don't get credit! Write on!

  13. I spent my labor day on the lake. I woke up at 5:00 o’clock am and got out there at 6:30 to go fishing. we stayed out on the lake until 6pm just driving around.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I spent my Labor Day with my family. We went to my sisters house to go swimming and grill out. We stayed most of the day but we spent most our time swimming.
