Thursday, August 15, 2019

Class of 2024 -- Blog #1 WELCOME TO 8TH GRADE

Welcome, GCS Class of 2024.  I know that sounds strange to you, and you think that 2024 is a LONG time from now, but you will be shocked at how quickly that time will pass.

As we begin a new school year, I want to introduce you to blogging.  The word "blog" can be used as a noun or a verb.

It is defined as: 
noun: blog; plural noun: blogs
  1. 1.
    a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
verb: blog; 3rd person present: blogs; past tense: blogged; past participle: blogged; gerund or present participle: blogging
1.  add new material to or regularly update a blog.

Over the course of this year, you will have the opportunity to respond to a variety of blog posts for extra credit.  Each nine weeks, I will post an average of three blogs.  Your responses must follow the requirements posted, and you will be able to gain three to five extra credit points for your posts.  These points are weighted as "test points," so they are actually worth 9 - 15 points in your cumulative points.  There is also a deadline by which your responses must be posted!  This is a more relaxed, conversational writing, so no worries!

My main objective is for you to WRITE ON!  This is easy for some of you, and for others, not so much.  But we will all grow and learn together.   So . . .  here goes! 

As we begin 8th grade, are you ready?  What excites you about this upcoming year?  What scares you?  Are you involved in extracurricular activities?  If so, what?  In five COMPLETE sentences, please tell me your vision for this year.  Tell me about you and your goals for the year.

You will receive FIVE extra credit points for your completed response.  This blog will close on Friday, August 30th at midnight.

I'm excited about this year and getting to know you better!  Write on! 


  1. I am ready for 8th grade, but not so much the homework. I am exited about new friendships, different sports games, and late Thursdays! I am involved in basketball, volleyball, dirt bikes, and mountain biking. I know this year is gong to be hard, but i want to make it fun! I want to get straight A’s and no final exams! I am ready for 8th grade just not Coach Philips History class.��

  2. I am ready for 8th grade, but it hasnt been going well. I really want to get good grades but it is really hard. I’ve already made new friends, and someone who i dislike as a friend. This year is going to be a really long year, but it could also be fun,but i dont know what this school year brings me. I hope I have a good year.

  3. I am really excited for this school year. I’m looking foward to all the games i get to cheer at with my friends! I’m not looking foward to lol the homework though. I hope i can make all As this year. I cant wait to finish my last year of middle school!

  4. I’m exited about sports. I’m scared of homework. I’m exited about food drive. I love going to homecoming. My goals are straight a’s and no exams.

  5. I am excited for all of the memories that we will make. And, this is my second year and I’m having a lot of fun. I am also excited for DC mom is chaperoning. But I mean it just toning to be fun. And excited for the 8th grader.

  6. I am exited for basketball,football,and soccer for this year.I am not as exited for the homework this year.My goals are to get exempt from every classes. Another goal is that i want to go undefeated in football but as you know that didn’t happen. Another goal is to start on the basketball team and also the high school soccer team.

  7. I am excited to learn new things this school year. I hope to make some new friends. My goal is to get exempt from more exams than I did last year. I also hope to get an A in math. I love to play basketball.

  8. I am so excited for 8th Grade! I am looking forward to all of our basketball games. I’m not looking forward to all of our tests we have to do this year. For an extracurricular activity I am doing basketball. I also really want to get strait A’s and to get exempt from all of my classes this year!

  9. I am ready for 8th grade. I am not ready for all of the work and the Aspire test. My main goal this year is to get straight A’s so I don’t have to take any exams. I am ready for the back to school bash this Friday so i can have fun with all of my friends and then go to the high school football game after. I play basketball. I am ready to get through this year and get to high school.

  10. I’m ready for the 2019-2020 school year! What excites me about this year is all the games I’m going to, like football and basketball.What scares me about this year is probably how close we are to being freshmen.I am involved in extra activities like volleyball and swim! I’m looking forward to a good year with my friends and finishing my last year of middle schoo.

  11. I’m excited for this school year. I’m excited for banquet. I’m excited to meet new people and friends. I’m excited to learn new things . I’m not excited for the home work.

  12. This year I want to get more confidence in math and to make better grades this then last year . I don’t have a problem with one subject of homework but if it’s multiple classes then I don’t like it.I want to gain more smarts and intelligence this year then last year I was ok at some subjects but I want this year to be different from all those past years. I’m not looking forward to the tests because test sometimes I don’t study then I make a bad grade but I want that to be different as well. The class I’m looking forward to and having fun in is health because health is one of my easiest classes and we get to go in the gym and play around with our friends.

  13. What I’m most excited about this year is the teachers. I’m also really excited about hanging out and making new friends. I’m very excited for football this year. I hear this grade is the easiest grade ever, so I am excited about that a lot. The most excited part tho is the D.C trip.

  14. I’m excited to be in 8th grade and what makes me the most excited about is the Washington trip. My goals for the 8th grade is to get straight A’s for the first time. Another goal of mine is to earn a reward at the end of the year. So to reach my goals I’m must try my hardest all year. I will give you my best at all times and I’m looking forward to this 8th grad year.

  15. I am excited about playing on varsity this year. I’m not excited for tests.The thing I’m excited for is leaving middle school. For this year I’m excited for history. What scares me are the tests.

  16. I am ready or this year.Im most excited about basketball season and the Washington trip.Im scared for all the homework we have to do.I do basketball,swim,and track.Im ready except for all the tests we have to do.

  17. Yes i am ready for 8th grade. I’m excited about all the games and basketball season. I’m not excited about the homework though. Yes, I am involved in extracurricular activities. I play basketball and i’m thinking about doing track. I hope this year is good!

  18. I’m kinda exited for 8th grade.i am not very exited for washingotn. i hate planes. i feel like the exams will be very hard. over all im exited for a 8th grade

  19. I am excited for basketball and academics for this year. I am not as excited for the hard classes that i have. My goals are not only to be exempt from every class but to do good on the basketball court. I want to be ready for next year.

  20. I’m not really excited about 8th grade, especially the homework. I’m excited about new friends, going to sports games, and playing sports. I play soccer, volleyball, basketball and I hope to be able to do swim. I want to do my best and not have to take finals. I hope this year goes to plan but if not that’s ok too.

  21. I am excited for football, baseball, student council, and academics this year. I am a little nervous about my algebra class and having to go all the way across the school to get to that class. I am not really ready for all the homework, but I think after a while I’ll get a handle of it. I am really excited for Washington. I hope that this year is a great year and will prepare me for high school.

  22. I am ready for this school year. I am excited for my classes and for volleyball. I’m not as excited for Algebra because I know I’m going to struggle in that class if I don’t try hard. My goal is to make straight A’s every nine weeks. I hope I am able to reach my goal this year.

  23. I am ready for this years school year. I am very excited to play baseball this spring with all of my friends. I am scared of algebra this year. I am also doing extra curricular activities this year. I am wrestling and playing baseball.

  24. I am excited to learn more to get ready for high school. I play football and baseball. My dad is one of the coaches. I help out the high school football team by filming their games. I am a little scared about the material for 8th grade.

  25. This year I’m excited because its the last year of middle school. Im excited to go to different games and pep rally’s. One of my goals is to get straight A’s for the whole year. I’m most nervous about Algebra homework.

  26. I was excited for 8th grade, but i wish summer break was longer. Now that we are in 8th grade I realize that this year is going to be difficult. I am exited to play soccer this year. I am in both advanced classes so I am going to try to get an A. Algebra is going to be very challenging.

  27. I’m excited about getting to grow as a student, friend, and Christian. I’m looking forward to feeling challenged and grow and learn. I’m not too excited for the struggles coming but it will be good for me. Washington DC will be a fun experience and I hope that all goes well. I’m also dreading exams because I have to do my Math and English exams on the same day. :(

  28. This year I am excited for the DC trip near the end of the year. I am not so excited for midterms and the Aspire test and hard classes, but I know I will do fine. My goal is to continue to make all A’s even with more dance classes. I am sad I won’t have as much free time as I did last year because of dance. I hope to have a wonderful year full of amazing experiences.

  29. I am little nervous about 8th grade. I am very excited for the Washington trip. The only thing that scares me is Algebra, it is not a joking class. Yes, I am in extracurricular activities such as football and basketball; so far it has been going great and cannot wait for basketball. I feel like a senior of the upper middle school.

  30. I am sort of excited about 8th grade, but I’m also a little scared. I’m excited about the trip to Washington D.C. I am involved with soccer at school and a club team. I’m not so excited for homework. I can’t wait to make new friends and get to know my other friends better.

  31. I am super excited for this new school year. I am currently enrolled in student council and excited to help out with more school events and activities. One of my goals is to take the Duke TIP program like I did last year and do better than a 18 as my ACT score. Another one of my goals is to be a starter for the baseball team and hopefully play every game. Lastly is to get all A for the school year and get better grades than last year.

  32. I am excited for baseball season this year. I am not excited for mid terms and exams because they are always stressful. My goals this year to be exempt from all my exams. One of my goals is to get better as an athlete and be a better student. These are some of my goals I want to accomplish this year.

  33. I am really excited about football season and helping out with the football team! One of my goals this year is to understand everything my teachers are teaching me. I don’t want to go into any test or quiz this year without completely understanding the topic. I want to get straight A’s every semester this year. I think this year will be a lot of fun and a lot of learning, but I think it will be hard.

  34. I am excited for eighth grade, marching band, and all I will learn this year. I am not excited for homework on top of the practice I have to do for marching band. My teachers are not bad. I am excited to make new friends. I am ready for this school year.

  35. I am excited for concert band, marching band, English, and algebra. I don not like the long practices for marching band, but I am excited to see perform the final product at the state championship. I think English will be fun and we will learn a lot of new things. I am excited to learn how to do algebra. I like all of my teachers, and I think this year will be great.

  36. I am ready for 8th grade. I am not excited about this year. I don’t have any extracurricular activities. Nothing scares me about this year. I don’t have any goals for the year.

  37. This year I’m not that excited about 8th grade. I’m excited about playing on the high school soccer team. I’m not so excited about algebra or the exams. I’m looking forward to the DC trip and other fun stuff. My goal is to finish 8th grade with all A’s

  38. This year I have goals I want to complete.I want to a lot better at math.Not barely making getting pass on the final English exam. To get better at science and learn more about it. To enjoy the last year of middle school and entering high school.

  39. I am looking forward to making new friends, a great football team and having a great year in 8th grade! I want to learn a lot more in history than I did at my old school. I am involved in football and I’m gonna try out for the middle school baseball team! I’m very excited about the Washington trip that we are gonna take this year, it’s going to be a lot of fun. My goal is that I want to have all A’s and no be able to take the exams for the next semester.

  40. I’m honestly ready for eighth grade. Some of my goals for this year are to get better grades, be more organized, and be more focused. I’m not involved in any extra curricular activities but maybe in the future I will be. My visions for this year is getting closer to God and becoming more developed in other things. I hope this year brings good things and amazing memories!

  41. I am ready for this year i think it will be really fun. Having a lot more freedom than others and being respected.People scare me people are gonna be hard to talk to and some wont take a joke. I’m in football and soccer i think that i will try out for baseball. My goals are to try not to get in trouble as much and just try be a leader and also stand out and be myself

  42. I’m excited for the 8th grade and it’s my first year at goodpasture and I have a lot of goals this year. I want to make good grade most importantly in reading and math and my other classes. I play football and I want to all of our football games. I have to meet my goals this year and this year are going to D.C. and I have never been on a airplane and it is my last year of middle school so I have to enjoy it.

  43. I’m kind of excited for 8th grade. I’m not excited for algebra or exams this year but I’m going to make the best of it. I’m really excited to be on the middle school volleyball team again this year. Im also apart of student council and I can’t wait for all of the upcoming events. My goal for this year is to get good grades and make great memories!

  44. I am sort of exited for 8th grade. I’m exited for Washington. I’m not so exited for the homework and tests. I am involved with swim and competitive dance. One of my goals is making all A’s.

  45. This year I am excited for eighth grade in general. I am excited for chorus and maybe even joining a sport. But I am not exited to upcoming projects and homework. This year I wanna accomplish many things. I want to get better grades, and eventually get better in math. I also am exited for Washington this year I think it will be a lot of fun.

  46. I’m excited for 8th grade this year. I think I’m ready for this school year because it is the year before freshman year. I also am on the cheer team this year again. My goals for this year is to get all A’s. I’m also really excited for D.C. this year.

  47. I have many goals and things that I am excited for this year. I am excited for making new memories at a new school. I am also excited for the sports this year. One of my goals for this year is to get all A’s. Another goal of mine is to do very good in every sport I do

  48. I believe I’m ready to an extent, but at the same time I’m not. I’m kinda exited about the dc trip, but I don’t know if will go just yet. What scares me is doing terrible at the end and throughout the year grades wise. I don’t play any extracurricular activities yet I’m waiting til I can drive for that.

  49. It sounds like we are going to have a great year! Write on!

  50. I think I am ready and prepared for eighth grade! This year I have many goals to be accomplished. One of those being straight A’s which might not seem like the hardest task but I’ve always struggled with grades. I’m most excited for the D.C trip as I have never been anywhere in that direction. I don’t play any sports at this school but I do play lacrosse.

  51. I think I am very ready for this year. I am so excited to finally be an 8th grader! I am also very excited to be doing baseball and being on the Student Council. My goals for this year are to get good grades, and be a good Class President. I have complete faith that this will be a great year!

  52. I am really excited for 8th grade and to learn more things! One of my goals this year is to get all A’s and to get principals list. I will be playing Baseball here and supporting other sports teams as well. I would really like to make some new friends and as well as some great memories! This year is going to be amazing and lots of fun!

  53. I think I am ready for this year. I am exited for sports this year. Also to make new memories this year. My goals for this year is to make straight A’s. My extra curricular activities are football and baseball. I am not exited for all the homework and tests.

  54. I am so excited for this year! I cannot wait for the food drive and homecoming floats. I am on the volleyball team. This year our goal is to win the championship. I am so happy to be in eighth grade

  55. I think I am excited for this year. I am excited to see what this year brings. I think that the thought of all the school work and homework is overwhelming and not scary but just I don’t know. I do two extra curricular activities. Those are soccer and running.

  56. I am ready for this year! I’m excited for many things that we will do, but I’m nervous for some things as well. I’m excited to make new memories with my friends, but I’m nervous for upcoming projects and tests as well. Things I like to do in my free time is play guitar and draw! My goal for this year is to get straight A’s, specifically in math.

  57. I am excited for many things this school year. I also have many goals for this school year. I am very excited for Washington, D.C. I am also looking forward to the 2019-2020 basketball season. One of my goals for this year is to get exempt from all of my exams in May. I feel like this is going to be a great school year.

  58. I am kind of excited for 8th grade. I am most excited for the Washington D.C. trip. I am scared about the algebra and American history test. I am involved in volleyball and swim. One of my goals for this year is get all A’s. Another goal is to do well in volleyball again this year.

  59. I am excited about this school year. I am looking forward to the D.C. trip and basketball this year. I am also looking forward to this year’s marching band season. I am not as excited for some of the classes I am taking this year, but I hope I that i do well in those classes. My goals are to get better grades and focus more on the things that matter.

  60. I believe I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for 8th grade. I am excited about the DC trip later in the year. Getting bad grades and doing bad in classes scares me. I am in the marching band. My goals for this year are to get all A’s, to get better at playing the vibraphone and, to get better at playing with four mallets.

  61. I’m kinda excited for 8th grade. I’m not excited for algebra, but I’m very excited for Washington D.C. I think I’m ready for this year because we are almost 9th graders. I’m on the high school softball team, and middle school volleyball team. This year my goals are to have all A’s and to make memories. My last goal this year is to do good in high school softball, and not get so nervous because they are all a lot older than me.

  62. I think that I am very ready for this year. I am very excited for the DC trip I think that it is going to be a very fun experience. I am scared about algebra because it is a little scary. I am enrolled in extracurricular activities. I play baseball, basketball, football and I enjoy them all.

  63. I am excited about 8th grade! I am mostly excited for football games, Gatlinburg trip with volleyball, volleyball season, basketball season, hanging out with friends,Washington,and etc,. My goals for this year are to get straight A’s, get exempt from all my exams, start on the basketball team, go undefeated in volleyball and basketball, and average 10 points a game in basketball. I feel like I can can achieve these goals if I really work hard! I feel this year is going to be one for the books!

  64. I am super excited for 8th grade! I am most ready for basketball season, playing as a team and cheering each other on. I’m also very excited that I’ve met amazing friends. My goals this year are to get all A’s in my classes. I’m most nervous about making bad grades, but I think that if I study hard and focus well on homework and tests that I’ll have a fantastic school year!

  65. I’m super exited about 8th grade!Im exited about being on the high school golf team and meeting new people.Im exited about making new friends and making many more memories.Im also exited to go to Washington DC to see all the historic stuff.I hope this 8th grade year is the best yet!

  66. I am super excited about 8th grade! I am most excited for golf and making new friends! I am a little scared for the history tests but it’d going to be ok. I know I am going to make straight As! I am hoping for an amazing year!

  67. I am excited for this school year! It will be a good year for sports. I also am excited about going to Washington! I think it will be a fun time. I also want to make new friends and more memories. This year will be fun and eventful.

  68. I’m super excited about 8th grade!!Im am very excited about basketball season and are DC trip.My goal this year to not get a single Saturday school.My last goal is to make good grades and don’t have to take any exams.I hope 8th is the best year!

  69. I am excited about 8th grade! I am mostly excited about playing softball and doing cheer.Im also excited about making new friends .My goals are to get good grades.The thing I’m most nervous about is getting really bad grades.I feel that I can reach this goal and 8th grade is gonna be the best!

  70. I’m kinda excited for this year. I’m not really excited about all the work. I’m super happy that it’s our last year of middle school!! I can’t wait for Friday night football games. I think this year is going to be great!

  71. I am super excited to be an 8th grader, because it means I’m one year away from being in high school! I’m a little scared that the assignments this year will be more difficult than last year since the teachers are trying to prepare us for high school. I’m sure I’ll be okay though. This year I’m taking part of the girls soccer team and maybe the swim team. I hope this year will be my favorite one!

  72. I’m really excited for this school year. I’m excited for the homecoming pep rally and all the home football games.My goals are to get all As and to not get saturday school. I want to make to new friends this year and not get behind on any homework. I hope this year is great.

  73. I am ready for 8th grade. I am excited about Washington DC. I have not been on a plane before so it will be fun. I am ready to make some new friends. I am excited to see what comes in 8th grade.

  74. I have a lot of plans this year for the 8th grade. One of them is to get all a’s. Then I plan to get exempt from the exams. Finally I plan to not get a Saturday school. These are my plans for this year.

  75. I excited for this year. I’m excited for football and soccer. I’m ready to have new experiences, and make new memories. I’m excited for the DC trip too. I hope this 8th grade year is a good one.

  76. I am prepared for this 8th grade year. I am ready for basketball season to start. One of my goals are to have good grades and to do my best. Another goal is to past the 8th grade with the highest GPA that I can get. I want to have the best school year I can have.

  77. I am excited about this year! I’m excited about football and baseball. All of the work this year scares me. I am involved in two sports football and baseball. I think I will be very successful this year.

  78. I’m super exited for 8th grade! I’m so exited for football games and food drive! I want to try to get good grades this year! I do cheer ,swim, and volleyball! I want to win our volleyball championship this year

  79. I’m very exited for 8th grade! I’m exited for basketball season and getting to know everybody. I really want to win the district championship. I also want to get good grades all school year. I don’t want to miss any assignments.

  80. I’m kind of excited for 8th grade but at the same time I’m not that excited. It just feels like every other school year and isn’t that exciting to me. It just feels normal. I think that when it’s around time for the DC trip and banquet, I’ll be more excited. My goal for this year is to make straight a’s, and I hope that I will be able to achieve that goal.

  81. I am excited for 8th grade! I miss summer but their is a lot to look forward to for this year. Including the Washington trip and banquet, hanging out with friends, and making new ones. I’m also excited about volleyball season, and football and basketball games. I want to make straight a’s this year, so i can be exempt from finals lol.

  82. What excites me for the year is sports and school. I am really exited for basketball and too see how we do. What scares me about this year is all the work we have to do in each class. But overall I think it going to be a good year. The extra actives I like too do outside of school are basketball and fishing. My goals for this year are to get All A;s and too win the championship in basketball.

  83. Great answers! It's hard to believe that we have almost finished three weeks of school! Write on!

  84. I’m excited for this year. I’m super excited about our 8th grade football season. I’m scared of the homework. I do participate in extracurricular activities. I play football, ride dirt bikes, and many more activities. My goal is to get much better grades then last year!

  85. I am excited about this school year. I’m not really excited about the aspire test and homework though. I’m excited about the sports and being with my friends. I’m also excited about being on the high school team even though I’m a middle schooler.

  86. I am excited about this school year. I’m not really excited about the aspire test and homework though. I’m excited about the sports and being with my friends. I’m also excited about being on the high school team even though I’m a middle schooler.

  87. Thank you for all of the responses! This blog is now closed.
