Monday, November 28, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #5 -- Your Christmas Wish for the World

It's almost December -- my favorite month of the year!  This semester is quickly drawing to a close, and we are only a few short weeks away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!) 
 All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need?

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish?  What if we were able to make things go away; or we could make things better?  Don't you wish we could make things happier?

 That is your quest for this blog response.  If you could grant a Christmas wish for the world, what would it be?  Wishes are "big-picture" things.  Your wish must be realistic and wholesome, although maybe not truly possible.   Your wish must make the world a better place. 


So, what would your Christmas wish for the world be?  Please write a minimum of FIVE sentences for FIVE extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/16.  

Merry Christmas to you all!  Write on! 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #4 I Am Thankful . . . My "Top 5"!

November is here, and it is finally beginning to feel like autumn.  This is my favorite season of the year, and one of those reasons is because of Thanksgiving.

We truly have so much for which to be thankful, and I'm afraid that sometimes we possibly take so many of our blessings for granted.  We always need to be mindful of the MANY ways in which God blesses our lives.

What are the "Top 5" things for which you are thankful?

Here are mine:
  • My family is so very special to me,and I thank God for them every day.
  • I am so thankful to be healthy in a world full of people who are struggling with cancer and other diseases.
  • I sometimes forget that one of the greatest blessings for which to be thankful is that fact that God loved ME enough to send His Son, Jesus, to this world to die for my sins.  Wow!  What a blessing! 
  • I'm so very blessed to be part of Goodpasture Christian School.
  • I'm thankful for each one of my students -- past and present.  You are all very special, and I cannot wait to see what life holds for each of you.  
Your blog responses are worth FIVE (5) extra credit points, IF you follow these guidelines:

Post in at least FIVE complete sentences -- but you may use bulletpoints. (You may use mine as a template.)  Also, please use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar, along with good sentence structure.

This blog will close on Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving Day) at midnight!

Happy Turkey Day!  Write on!

Mrs. S.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #3 What Is Your DREAM Vacation?

With fall break looming in the distance, it is hard to believe that we are now over halfway through the first nine weeks of 8th grade!  You will be freshman before you even know it!

For this blog response, I want you to think about where you might go on a "dream" vacation!  What if a budget was not an option?  You could go anywhere on earth that you wanted to go.  Where would that be?

Would it be to see something magnificent like the Grand Canyon?

What about somewhere tropical like the beaches of Hawaii or the Bahamas?

Perhaps, the Wild West??

Or, maybe somewhere cold and snowy that involved snowmobiles?

How about some true Mexican food south of the border?
Please respond with your choice of a dream vacation in at least two complete sentences.  Where would you go?  What would you do?  Why would that appeal to you.  This final blog of this nine weeks is worth TWO extra points!  Responses should be posted by midnight on Friday, September 23rd! 

Dream big!  Write on! 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #2 Labor Day

It's hard to believe that we have now been in school for three weeks!  Memories of summer are becoming more distant, as we become more and more engulfed in homework and the school routine.  But wait . . . there's one more big summer event coming up!

That's right!  In just a little over a week, we will be celebrating the Labor Day weekend.  How much do you know about the holiday?

Here's a little info:

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September, and it pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades and athletic events.

Labor Day celebrates the American worker, regardless of the type of work he or she does.  As students, your job right now is just that -- being a student.  As an adult, I think it is pretty neat that our country celebrates the hard work of its citizens in such a holiday.  To many, just being off from work and being able to spend time with family or friends is a celebration itself.

So, as we celebrate the ending of our first month of school, basically, how do you plan to spend your Labor Day?  A quick trip to the mountains or the beach?  Sleeping in or catching up on NetFlix?  Shopping til you drop or catching a movie?  Hamburgers and hotdogs at a cookout?

Please respond in at least THREE complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Responses must be posted by midnight on Labor Day, September 5th.

Happy blogging!  Happy Labor Day!  Write on!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #1-- WELCOME BACK!

Welcome, GCS Class of 2021.  I know that sounds strange to you, and you think that 2021 is a LONG time from now, but you will be shocked at how quickly that time will pass.

As we begin a new school year, I want to introduce you to blogging.  The word "blog" can be used as a noun or a verb.

It is defined as: 
noun: blog; plural noun: blogs
  1. 1.
    a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
verb: blog; 3rd person present: blogs; past tense: blogged; past participle: blogged; gerund or present participle: blogging

 add new material to or regularly update a blog.

Over the course of this year, you will have the opportunity to respond to a variety of blog posts for extra credit.  Each nine week, I will post an average of three blogs.  Your responses must follow the requirements posted, and you will be able to gain three to five extra credit points for your posts.  These points are weighted as "test points," so they are actually worth 9 - 15 points in your cumulative points.  There is also a deadline by which your responses must be posted!  This is a more relaxed, conversational writing, so no worries! 

My main objective is for you to WRITE ON!  This is easy for some of you, and for others, not so much.  But we will all grow and learn together.   So . . .  here goes! 

As we begin 8th grade, are you ready?  What excites you about this upcoming year?  What scares you?  Are you involved in extracurricular activities?  If so, what?  In five COMPLETE sentences, please tell me your vision for this year.  Tell me about you and your goals for the year.

You will receive FIVE extra credit points for your completed response.  This blog will close on Monday, August 29th at midnight.

I'm excited about this year and getting to know you better!  Write on! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #10 -- Summertime!

Well, eighth graders, our time together is just about over!  I have certainly enjoyed getting to know all of you better this year, and overall, I think we've had an awesome year!  I look forward to hearing great things about all of you, as you begin your high school careers!

Summer is my favorite time of year!  I love the long lazy days of summer.  Sleeping in is always a perk too!  For my family, summertime is SWEET -- literally!  We love spending time at the lake, or just hanging out together!  It is a time of year when the regular routine seems a little less crazy, and a little more relaxed.

June is always fun with CMA Fest, and we have a blast.  We enjoy country music,  especially when our son, Conner, is on the stage!

July means a family reunion with our extended family in North Carolina.  We share  a lot of laughs and hugs from family members we don't see too often.  (And we get a little competitive on the go-carts!)

We also usually go on a vacation, and this year, we are planning to head to the beach in late July!  That is my favorite place is the world, and I am looking forward to it.

What are your plans for summer?  In the final blog of the year, please respond to this question.  Please answer in three complete questions for three extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Tuesday, 5/17.  Write on! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #9 -- Winding Down!

Students --

It is hard to believe that our year together is winding down quickly!  We have one full week left of classes!

This is a time of year for reflection.  We have had such an amazing year, and I am proud of you all!  It is hard to believe that you are almost ready to be FRESHMEN in high school!  It seems like only yesterday (well, maybe last week!) that it was August, and 8th grade was just beginning!   Wow! 

Remember the amazing pep rallies??

How about the Prodigious Pumpkin Project?


Washington D.C trip??

New friends?

Diagramming Sentences??  Definitely!

Writing to President Obama?

A Black Tie Affair?

Girls' Ministry??

Field Day? 

We have definitely had a year to remember!  For this blog, I would like for you to reflect back on your favorite memory of 8th grade.  Please write three to four sentences for three extra credit points!  This blog will close on Friday, May 6th, so you just have about four days to complete this!  Write on! 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #8 -- Pets Corner

So many of us have extensions of our family with special friends.  Whether four-legged fur balls, slimy reptiles, or whiskered kittens, for many, pets are important parts of our life.

Over the years, the Sweet household has been home to many pets.  Cats -- Sassy, Mango, Sunny and Stormy.  Dogs -- Beau, Princess, Elvis, Moose, Missy, Lizzy, Lucy, Duke, Scout, Ginger, Sadie, and Fergus.  Goats -- Butch, Sundance, Nannie, and too many to really remember!  We don't do slimy, creepy or scalie things though.

Currently, we have a cat and two dogs.  Stormy, our tabby cat, is almost 17 years old.  Yes, she wsa born in 1999, and has been part of our family for a long time.  She runs the house, by the way!

Our dog, Sadie, is a Labradane -- a mix of a Great Dane and a Labrador Retriever.  She's a pretty big baby, but is an absolute sweetheart.  She loves to ride in the car and go duck hunting.

Fergus, is a rescue Bagle -- a cross breed of a Beagle and Bassett Hound.  He is a hoot, and is spoiled rotten!  He loves table food, and is a little pudge!

For this blog response, I want you to tell me about your pets.    If you don't have a pet, tell me about the choice not to have one.  (That's fine!  Pets are not necessarily everyone's thing!)  If you don't have one, is there a type of pet that you would like to have?

Write five sentences in your response for FIVE bonus points!  This blog will close on Wednesday, 2/24!  We are heading toward the end of the grading period, so WRITE ON!! 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #7 -- Hmmmm . . . Valentine's Day Again!

Can you believe that February is already here?  We've enjoyed a few snow days, and spring is just around the corner!  Our year together is quickly passing by, and you are well on your way to becoming HIGH SCHOOL students!  Wow! 

Next week is Valentine's Day!  I remember when I was in 8th grade.  You either LOVED Valentine's week, or you HATED Valentine's week.  It all depended on who liked you, and who you liked.  From what I hear from you today, it's pretty much the same a hundred years later! 

First of all don't stress!  If you have a "love" in your life -- good for you.  If you don't, good for you!  (Even better, if you ask me!)  At any rate -- Valentine's Day is filled with stuffed animals, candy, hearts, candy, flowers, candy, Cupids, candy, cookies, candy, jewelry, candy -- did I mention the candy??

Let's talk about candy for just a minute!  Of course, I have the perfect name for it -- SWEET!
Valentine's candy comes in all forms -- chocolate, peppermint, bars, hearts, gum -- whatever your little heart desires, you can probably find it!

So, for this blog -- tell me a little bit about your feelings about February 14th.  Do you have anything special planned?  What is your favorite Valentine's candy?  Are you going to buy anything special for anyone?  (A news report this morning stated that Americans will spend about $18.9 BILLION dollars for Valentine's gifts next week!  Please don't spend that much!)

Respond to this blog post in three complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  The blog will close at midnight on February 14th!  Write on!