Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #6 -- A Christmas Wish for the World

Today is the first day of December -- my favorite month of the year!  We are only twenty-four days away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!) 

All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need? 

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish -- to make things go away.  To make things better.  To make things happier. 

That is your quest for this blog response.  If you could grant a Christmas wish for the world, what would it be?  Wishes are "big-picture" things.  Your wish must be realistic and wholesome, although maybe not truly possible.   Your wish must make the world a better place. 

So, what would your Christmas wish for the world be?  Please write a minimum of four sentences for four extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/18.  Merry Christmas to you all!  Write on! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #5 Thankfulness

We are entering into my favorite time of year!  Sometimes I really think that I love Thanksgiving more than Christmas.  I love just being with my family and my friends and spending time in quiet reflection of God's many blessings.  We always have fun, and you never know what we may create in the kitchen! 

Just like we have discussed in our study of The Diary of Anne Frank, there are so many things in this life that we take for granted.  A simple talk with a friend.  A quick trip to Starbucks for an apple caramel spice.  The smell of baking cookies in the oven.  Just knowing that those that you love -- and those that love you -- are here.

Some of our class family has experienced the loss of a close loved one in the past year.  Others have experienced changes within the family unit itself.  This holiday season may be very different.  Sometimes life is difficult and sad.  Even in those times, we can find things for which to be thankful though.  As I get older, I am so very thankful for the precious memories of my family members who are no longer physically here with me.  I remember standing in the kitchen with my mother and trying to break the turkey's wishbone for good luck.  I remember tables filled with food at my Granny's house.  I remember playing (and yes, fighting) with my little cousins.  I remember the good times, and for that, I am truly thankful.  Today, I am blessed to be duck hunting in Missouri most Thanksgiving Days.  We enjoy being together with family and friends, and having some fun! 

For what are you thankful this year?  Do you have any special plans for your Thanksgiving break?  Does your family have any extraordinary traditions? 

Please answer these questions in three to four sentences.  Your response is worth three (3) extra credit points.  The blog will close at midnight on November 27th. 

I hope your and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Write on! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #4 Happy Halloween!

I absolutely love this time of year!  From the colors of fall to the scents of autumn and fun activities, this season just has it all!  I particularly LOVE Halloween!  (These ghosts have been part of our Halloween decor for years!  If I don't get them out sometime in September, my family is asking me about them!  It's funny how we grow so accustomed to our holiday traditions!) 

Every since I was a little girl, this holiday has been one of my favorites!  I remember going trick-or-treating with my friends in the my old neighborhood.  I remember haunted houses and bobbing for apples at parties.  (I also LOVE trying to scare the actors in haunted houses, too!  They are not expecting that!)

Then, of course, I remember taking my own children out on Halloween night to get lots of candy or to attend fall festivals. 

Today, we still try to get into the Halloween spirit at the Sweet house, with pumpkin carvings, chili suppers and bonfires!

What are some of your fun memories of Halloween?  Do you still go trick or treating for candy?  (It's ok!  My boys went way past 8th grade!)  Have you ever had a really scary experience?  Something hilarious happen? 

Your response should be a minimum of three sentences for three extra credit points!  This blog will close at midnight on (you guessed it!) October 31st! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #3 -- IT"S ALMOST FALL, YA'LL!

Well, students . . . it is hard to believe, but FALL BREAK is only a couple of weeks away!  Our first nine weeks are quickly drawing to a close!  I love fall!  It is my very favorite season!  I love the colors of fall and the scents of fall!

 I love Goodpasture homecoming and all the awesome floats!

 I love college football in the fall!

 I love duck hunting in the fall -- camo, face paint and all!

I love baking in my kitchen during the fall!

I love the holidays of fall -- Halloween, Thanksgving, and all the hub-bub leading up to Christmas!  Hey -- can you tell that I LOVE FALL!!

Fall break is always a nice break from the school routine!  Some people take a quick trip to the mountains or the beach.  Others prefer to just relax at home!

What are your plans for fall break?  What do you enjoy about fall?  Please respond to this blog in a minimum of FOUR sentences for FOUR extra credit points!  This will be the final blog of this nine weeks' period, so don't waste it!  (There have been a total of TEN possible points for this period!
Hope you haven't missed out!) 

You can beginning responding today!  This blog will close at midnight on September 29th -- the day we get out for FALL BREAK 2015!  Woo!  Hoo!  WRITE ON!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #2 Persuasion & Peer Pressure

The very first movie that I ever saw with Mr. Sweet was WAY back in 1983.  The movie was entitled A CHRISTMAS STORY, and I'm pretty sure all of you have seen it.  It usually plays 24/7 every holiday season.  It is the story of Ralphie Parker, a nerdy young boy, with the sole quest of owning a "Red Ryder" bb gun.  Throughout the film, Ralphie is shown as a lovable and likeable young tike, and everyone wants him to get the present, despite the fact that he might "shoot his eye out"!  My favorite scene from the movie involves one of Ralphie's buddies, Flick, and the dreaded "triple dog dare.Flick's "friends" to persuade him to stick his tongue to a frozen flagpole, just off the school playground.  As the suspense builds, Flick "flicks" out his tongue, and accepts the dare.  Of course, his tongue sticks tightly, and his "friends" scatter quickly, as he screams and squirms in pain.  His cries of "DON'T LEAVE ME," go unheard as the group of friends scurry back into the classroom.  Flick eventually is freed, although he requires the services of the fire department.  As the teacher asks if anyone in the class is responsible, all of the students try their best to appear innocent.  It wasn't their fault that Flick had a sudden lapse of judgment, and stuck his tongue to a flagpole!  Or was it?

We've all experienced peer pressure, or friends trying to get us to do something that maybe we should not do.  Perhaps, we've even been the friend trying to pressure or persuade someone to do something wrong.   They are our friends, and we want them to remain our friends; yet, we want to do the right thing too.  We are often so confused as to what we really SHOULD do!

Middle school and high school are times when so many students falter and fold under the weight of peer pressure.  From the temptations of cheating, gossiping or lying, doing the wrong things on social media or the internet, getting involved with drugs or alcohol to any number of other serious issues, we need to think before we act!

Young people -- and older people -- can sometimes do damage to their lives, their character, and their reputation.  This damage cannot be easily undone.  Why do we do things like this?  Why do we let others influence our word and our actions?  Why do we act one way at home, but in a totally different way with our friends?  We know our parents wouldn't approve of our actions, but we do it anyway.  Our friends are important to us, but is someone that REALLY tries to persuade us to do wrong, REALLY our friend? 

Why do we continue to hang around "friends" that seem to always encourage us to do the wrong things?  Do we REALLY need to "fit in" that badly?  How can we overcome the odds and stand up to those people who try to get us to do those things?  How can we steer clear of peer pressure that is going to eventually damage us?

Please respond to these questions in AT LEAST THREE COMPLETE SENTENCES for three (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Thursday, 9/10/2015.

Think about these questions and respond well!  As always -- write on! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Welcome Class of 2020! Blog #1 -- YOUR First Day of School Pic

Welcome to our new 8th graders -- THE CLASS OF 2020!  I am so excited about beginning this year and getting to know you all better!  You will find 8th grade to be busy and quick-paced, and high school will be here before you know it!

As I scanned social media this week, I was amused at all of the "back to school" pics posted EVERYWHERE!  Some students looked all spiffy and ready for a great year!

Others seemed less than thrilled to say goodbye to summer and hello to homework!

Some moms seemed a little bit more excited than the children, actually!

Which picture best represents you?  Are you happy to be back into a set school routine and with your friends?  Are you more satisfied sleeping in late and gaming all day?  In a minimum of three sentences, explain YOUR back to school pic.  If none of the pics above fit you, explain what type of pic might fit!

Three sentence minimum for THREE extra bonus points!  All responses should be posted by midnight on August 25th!  Write on! 

Friday, May 8, 2015


It's hard to believe, but we are two weeks away from summer break!  Our 8th grade year together is almost done!  I know you are all ready -- and believe it or not -- I AM READY TOO! 

For your final blog post and TEN (yes, 10!!) extra credit points (weighted as quiz points, btw!), please respond to the following question:

What ONE word best sums up your 8th grade year?  Use at least FIVE complete sentences to respond.   (Yes, I know you wrote about this in your journals, but I thought it would be fun to share!)

I hope you all have a great summer, and I know I'm going to hear GREAT things about you in high school!  (They better be only GREAT things, or I'll come find you!)

As always, write on!


Mrs. S

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blog #14 -- Military Appreciation Month

It's hard to believe that May is almost here!  The school year has flown by, and we only have a few weeks to go!  As we welcome May flowers and warmer weather, we also need to pause for a moment to say "thanks" to the men and women who serve in our military.  When we stop to think of the sacrifice that these individuals and their families make, we should really be appreciative of their sacrifices.

Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month in 1999 to ensure the nation was given the opportunity to publicly demonstrate their appreciation for the sacrifices and successes made by our service members - past and present. Each year the president makes a proclamation, reminding Americans of the important role the U.S. Armed Forces have played in the history and development of our country.

Military personnel can be deployed (sent into an active location) for months at a time.  While this is their "job," it is much different from being a business owner, a teacher, or a police officer.  This job takes them away from their home and their loved ones for long periods of time.  There are no weekends off, and there are no "breaks" to be together with family.  This can be extremely difficult on the military personnel and the family members left behind.

In our 8th grade class, there have been several deployments of family members recently.  Blaine's mother was deployed in early April, and Reid's brother was also planning on deployment soon.
Many other individuals have friends or neighbors that have been deployed in recent weeks.

As individuals, friends and family, what are some ways that we might be a source of help or encouragement to families like this?  How could we encourage the military personnel that have been deployed to faraway places -- away from their families?  How could we help or encourage those family members here?

Explain three or four ideas that you think might be good ways to show Christian service in these areas.

Blog will be open from April 30th  - May 8th.  Your response should be a minimum of five sentences for five extra credit points.

Keep these families in your prayers!  Write on!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Blog #13 -- Spring Fever!!

Well, the verdict is in!  The doctor has spoken!  The truth is out!
Many of our 8th graders have come down with . . . SPRING FEVER!

What is it?  Is it contagious?  Is it curable?  Well, that depends.

First of all, what is it?  What are the symptoms?  Do you have any of these symptoms?
While some things associated with spring fever are harmless and fun, others may be detrimental to your health -- academic or otherwise.

"Spring fever" is defined as a feeling of restlessness and excitement felt at the beginning of spring.
Surges in energy, feelings of happiness and excitement and general restlessness are all symptoms.  Additional symptoms include: general distractibility, bad attitude, back-talking to teachers, an overall lack of interest in school, sudden loss of attention to homework, and a general urge to go have fun 24/7.   Sometimes a tendency to make poor decisions (in addition to those mentioned above) have been noted.  It has also been noted by several Goodpasture teachers and administrators that some of our students are exhibiting some of these symptoms.

Secondly, is spring fever contagious?  Definitely.  Persons should take careful consideration before following others' examples.  Don't let others lead you into things that you know are wrong.  A sure sign of a person with spring fever is becoming more of a follower than a leader.   It is fine to enjoy the fun activities of springs -- just don't overdo it!

Finally, is spring fever curable?  Yes!  Just hang on!  Continue to do your best.  Stay the course.  Just a few weeks of school left, and then your spring fever will give way to SUMMER BREAK!

Do you or someone you know have these symptoms?  If so, explain!  How can you combat this dreaded disorder for the final few weeks of school.  Be creative, (and nice!) and respond in at least five sentences for five extra credit points!

Blog will be open from Friday, April 10 - Friday, April 24th!  Write on! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Blog #12 -- A Political Future??

Many of you are enjoying the beautiful and historic Washington D.C. this week.  I so enjoyed my trip there in 2011!  There is so much to see, it can be hard for your mind to take it all in.  I've enjoyed keeping up with you guys through various pictures posted on social media.  It looks like everyone is having a blast!  I'm so sorry that a few have been sick!  That's no fun!  Hopefully, everyone will get to enjoy the last couple of days!

One particular pic, that I think is so neat, is a group taking a "selfie" with Tennessee Senator Bob Corker.  (I found this particularly interesting since so many of you insisted on the yearbook survey that you don't do selfies!)  At any rate, Senator Corker actually posted this pic on his facebook site, and it is getting a lot of views.  Senator Corker calls you guys -- "our nation's future leaders".  How cool is that!

It's hard to believe, but this is so true.  In just a few short years, you will be out of high school (NO MORE IXL!); finishing up college; and deciding your path in life.  Some of you may end up back in Washington as a lobbyist, a senator, or even the president of the United States one day!  (If you do, you will be glad that your old 8th grade English teacher taught you how to speak and write properly!)

What about it?  Would you enjoy a career in politics?  Do you think you have what it takes to lead our city, state or nation?  What characteristics would make you successful?  Do you think a politician has an easy or difficult job?  Do you think it is important that voters choose good, moral individuals to represent them as political leaders?  Why or why not?  What would be some "pros" and "cons" of being a career politician?

Please respond to these questions in at least 5 complete sentences for FIVE extra credit points!
Responses should be completed by Friday, April 3rd at midnight.

Write on! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blog # 11 -- SNOW DAYS!!

Well, we finally got a snow day!  Actually, we got F'OUR of them!  Hopefully, we all enjoyed a full week off from school, and we will be ready to work hard for the next two weeks, before spring break!

I LOVE snow and cold weather!  This ice storm was so pretty!  Did you know snow storms are now actually named, like hurricanes and tropical storms?  The first snow storm to hit us was "Octavia," followed by "Pandora."  It looked like my back yard was made of crystal or glass.  I didn't leave my house for four solid days, and that was GREAT!  We sledded; rode four-wheelers; slept in late; and had fun just hanging out at home.  BTW -- back in 1975, we missed so much school due to snow, that we had to actually go longer during the week (7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.) and several eight-hour Saturdays!  We missed almost four weeks of school that winter!  Luckily, I don't think we will have to make any of our snow days up!   I'm glad we got a few days of though!  It was a blast!

Mrs. Sweet and Sadie
Mr. and Mrs. Sweet having some fun on the four-wheeler! 

So, what did you do during your "winter break"?  Did you go sledding? Sleep in late?  Could you get out of your driveway, or were you stuck?  Did you get bored?  Did you have electricity?  Did you make "snow cream"? 

Respond in at least five complete sentences for FIVE extra credit points!  All blog posts should be posted by midnight on Friday, February 27th.  This will be the last blog of this grading period!
Write on!! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog #10 - Happy Valentine's Day!!

February is here, and we STILL HAVE HAD NO SNOW DAYS!!  Oh, well!  Next week we will be celebrating Valentine's Day!  This is a day that originated back in the fifth century!  Wow!  That's a long time ago!  Its meanings and traditions have changed through the years, but it's always a fun day!  Or is it??

Valentine's Day is associated with love.  It's not just romantic love, but love, in general!  For some that is great.  For some -- not so much!  Some people are "blue" on Valentine's Day because they don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend.  They may feel left out or alone.  Everyone wants to feel love and accepted! My advice on that is -- don't stress!  In time, most of us find love.  Until then, just enjoy life!  Remember -- you are only in 8th grade! 

Some people REALLY get all into Valentine's Day with romance, expensive gifts, trips, etc.  That may be going a little bit overboard, but whatever! 

Valentine's Day is associated with hearts!  Hearts full of candy!  Hearts full of love!  Hearts full of joy!  Not this kind of heart!  Yuck!

For some it's all about the CHOCOLATE!!  Chocolate hearts!  Chocolate cupcakes!  Chocolate kisses!  You name it, and Valentine's Day has it!  (Personally, this is one of my favorite things about the holiday!) 

So . . . what do you think of Valentine's Day?  Do you have anything planned for this year?  Have you heard of something neat someone else did for Valentine's Day?  What is your favorite part of the day, or is just another winter, February day?  Do you get Valentine's Day candy or gifts from your mom and dad?  (That's always cool!) 

Please respond to this post in three sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Blog will close on Saturday, February 14th at midnight!  Happy Valentine's Day! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blog #9 -- Winter Wacktivities!!

Well, students -- it is hard to believe that our second semester is upon us!  You are only one semester away from being in high school!  Woo! Hoo!  Way to go!

I know we are all hoping for a few snow days to get us through the next few weeks until spring break!

I love winter!

I love snow!

I love a variety of winter activities, some of which are a little wacky!

I love to build snowmen!  (Again, we need some snow!)

I love to make snow angels!

I love to make snow-cream!  (Note to self -- never use yellow snow!)

I love to snowmobile!  (Note to self -- "shift" when the driver says "shift" -- in order to avoid turning the snowmobile over!)

I love to ski!  (Note to self -- don't fall down and tear every ligament in your leg, plus break two bones!  Definitely, not a good day on the slopes!)

So . . . (those are ellipses!  Remember?)  What are some of the things that you like to do in winter?  Do you even like winter?  Why or why not?

Please respond in at least FIVE sentences for FIVE (yes, count 'em 1, 2, 3, 4,  5!)  extra credit points!
All responses should be posted by Friday, January 23rd!  Here's hoping for a snow day soon!